Getting ready for Gems Formal, Saturday December 7th? We are too!
Junior Christina Winkler gives her own perspective looking back at her experiences at Gems Formal
Looking back at my past two (almost two and a half!) years in Gemstone, I have been to a lot of Gemstone events. While GSC hosts awesome events all year long, Gems Formal is the event I look forward to all year long! I have been a part of SAC since my freshman year, so I am always very active in the planning and execution process of Gems Formal. Excitement begins months before the event, when we sit down as a committee to seriously debate the theme of the year. A few weeks later, we'll move on to decorations. The day of, we make the balloon arch and decorate the ballroom in Stamp, and, finally, formal is here!
I don't know if I can pick one single favorite formal memory. I always really enjoy socializing with and listening to the DJ with my former students and friends across cohorts. Somewhere in between finding the perfect dress, socializing with my friends and students across cohorts, and dancing to the DJ, Gems Formal is always a fantastic night!
This year is no exception - I cannot wait and I hope that you are all as excited as I am for Gems Formal! And remember - a little party never hurt nobody.
Can't wait to see you there!
-Christina Winkler: Team VIRTUAL : Class of 2015
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